Children’s Liturgy Matters

Children’s Liturgy Matters

This week, we celebrate the Second Sunday of Advent. The exclamations of John the Baptist in the Gospel today should inspire us to repent and transform our lives, in preparing ourselves for the Lord’s coming. In line with this idealism, I would like to invite you to focus on the development of faith for our children.

I can see the urgency of Children’s Liturgy. Every time I celebrate Holy Mass at 9:30 AM on Sundays, there are always some children (and more to come) staying with their parents, faithfully and lovingly. However, apart from the Mass, I think they also need another creativity that is suitable for their age. In this case, Children’s Liturgy plays an important role, and we need to start it soon.

Therefore, I invite you to help our Parish in this matter. I intend to form a Children’s Liturgy team, consists of adults (males and/or females) and parents, whose job is simple: caring and guiding the little ones in our Parish on Sunday mornings (9:30 AM). The only requirement I need is that you have already a Working with Children (WWC) check. However, even if you don’t have it yet but open for this call, our Parish can help you. Therefore, if you do care about the future of our Church and want to help, please contact me or ring the Parish Office: (02) 9518 0650. Thank you for your great supports!

Covid-19 Update

In a welcome step forward for our churches in the lead up to Christmas, NSW Health has announced that from Monday 7 December, churches will be able to have unlimited numbers at all religious services, as long as a two square metre rule is observed. You’ll find more information here:

Churches are required to keep records of all attending Masses for contact tracing purposes and the NSW Government recommends that church-goers continue to wear face masks when attending Mass. Fr Pio.