Happy Solemnity of Our Seraphic Father, Saint Francis of Assisi

Update from Our Archdiocese

The NSW Government had announced the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, which is – hopefully – likely to happen on Monday, 11th October. Through his Vicar General, our Archbishop, Most Reverend Anthony Fisher OP, has decided that “We will patiently wait the estimated two further weeks until we reach 80% fully vaccinated before re-opening our churches to the public.” Therefore, our churches will be closed to the public until the Monday after NSW passes the 80 percent target of residents having had two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. However, as usual, our churches are still open for funeral services, wedding ceremonies, and live streaming Masses. Please click on this link to visit our Parish website and read more about Guidelines for a Funeral Service, Wedding Ceremony, and Live Streaming Mass.

Join Our Mailing List

Currently, our Parish is updating the database of all parishioners via an online system. The goal of this is that our future communication will be much easier and more efficient. In this regard, could we ask your favour? Please follow these steps: (1) Visit our Parish website www.stfiacreparish.com, (2) In the “Join Our Mailing List” section, please enter your information, (3) You have two options of whether you want to be a volunteer in the Parish or not – no worries, you are free to select yes or no, (4) Click SUBSCRIBE – done! By joining our mailing list, you (along with many other parishioners here) will receive the latest updates from St Fiacre’s Parish Leichhardt. Thank you so much for being so supportive.

RCIA Starts Next Week

If you have a family member or friend interested in becoming a Catholic, please provide them with this information: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) preparatory class at St Fiacre’s Parish will start next week: Sunday 10th October, at 10:30 AM (straight after the 9:30 AM Sunday Mass). However, RCIA is also intended for those who had received baptism but have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation. So, please share this information with the people in this category too. The Sacrament of Confirmation is an essential requirement if you want to be godparents in a Baptism ceremony, or witnesses in a Confirmation ceremony. It is also needed as an essential requirement in marriage documents. So, hurry up and register yourself, your relative or your friend by Saturday 9th October, at fiacre@capuchinfriars.org.au.

Plenary Council 2021

This Sunday, 3rd October, is a historic day for the Catholic Church in Australia as it coincides with the opening of the Plenary Council 2021. A Plenary Council is the highest formal gathering of all local churches in a country. Our Plenary Council is being held to dialogue about the future of the Catholic Church in Australia. Since the last Plenary Council 84 years ago (1937), our leaders have observed that we need to make spiritual and cultural reforms within the Church. The same zeal has motivated Saint Francis of Assisi to carry out the renewal movement within the Church in the early 13th century. For more information about the Plenary Council, please visit plenarycouncil.catholic.org.au.