Dear parishioners! With the easing of restrictions by the NSW Government and the Archdiocese of Sydney, our Parish implements the new regulations as follows:
- Stay at home if you feel unwell: a fever, dry cough, loss of taste/smell, and shortness of breath. Contact your doctor immediately, or call the National Coronavirus Helpline: 1800 020 080.
- NEW: Up to 200 worshipers are allowed to be inside St Fiacre’s church (including the upstairs choir lofts), and 30 worshipers at St Francis’ church, at one time, for all activities.
- Before you enter the church, please:
- Use your face mask (strongly recommended).
- Use a hand sanitiser that has been provided.
- Fill in the registration form nearby the entrance of the church.
- Take a sanitising wipe to clean your seat.
- NEW: Please maintain the two-square-metre rule by sitting only at the [√] sign on the pews.
- Please do not leave bulletin, tissue, or any rubbish in the church. Take all your belongings and clean your seat.
- Please do not mingle before, during, and after the service/liturgy. – Fr Pio.