I would like to thank all parishioners for adhering to all health protocols in the church. The NSW government, the Archdiocese of Sydney, and our Parish have been working very hard to make you all safe. We should be grateful that the number of infection in NSW is currently very low (for more information, see here: www.health.nsw.gov.au). That is why parishioners are returning to attend Holy Mass in the church. Offices have also started to reopen. However, let us not be complacent but still adhere to health procedures carefully, such as: wearing masks (including in the church), maintaining a safe distance from other people (four-square-meters rule), and using a hand sanitiser.
Also, please bring the current situation of the world in your continuous prayers. Padre Pio once said, “Prayer is the best weapon we have; it is the key to God’s heart. You must speak to Jesus not only with your lips but with your heart.” If doctors are using medical tools to combat Covid-19, then it is our duty, believers, to use the power of Jesus’ Blood to fight this pandemic. The Bible affirms this as it says, “The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16 NRSV).
A call to attend Holy Mass
On the 3rd September, Pope Francis has approved a letter written by Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. This letter is entitled “Let us return to the Eucharist with joy!” and addressed to the Presidents of Episcopal Conferences. Cardinal Sarah requested that Catholics around the world should return to the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in churches, as soon as the situation improves and local bishops allow it. Cardinal Sarah noted the dangers of a virtual Mass. He emphasised that a virtual Mass or live streaming via television cannot replace Holy Mass in churches, where God’s people are physically present at the liturgy. The church is the only suitable place for the formation and development of a real community of believers. Besides, he also emphasised that the “physical contact with the Lord is vital, indispensable, irreplaceable.” Therefore, he urged all faithful to return to the normal state of the Christian life, as soon as possible, where circumstances permit and safe. You can read his letter here: www.catholicnewsagency.com.
Parish Website
The project for our parish website has yielded good fruit. Many thanks to Monica, who has helped me a lot in this project. Through the Parish website, you can get the latest information about activities in our Parish. If you are new to this Parish, or you want to become a volunteer (reader, musician, choir, altar server, cleaner, florist, etc.), you can register yourself via a link that has been provided. Besides, you can now make a donation using Bpoint Secure Payments Service, or if you still want to use a traditional way, we have provided our bank details too for the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). Digital transactions via Bpoint will be useful for those who do not want to use cash or want convenience in the donation process. Also, new bulletin – as you are reading right now – can be accessed digitally on the parish website. If you like something handy, paperless, or safe from other people’s hands, then a digital bulletin is the right choice for you. I hope that you can use this facility as much as possible. Our website address is www.stfiacreparish.com.
Finally, I want to thank you very much for all the prayers and supports to the Parish. I pray that God may grant you his abundant blessings. – Fr Pio.