Our Churches are Open and Month for the Holy Souls

Our Churches are Open

St Fiacre’s and St Francis’ churches are open for public Masses, liturgical celebrations, and other church activities. You are most welcome to visit and pray here. Online booking is not required – first in, first served. However, attendees must check-in at the church entrance using the Service NSW app or a written record, regardless of vaccination status. Use your face mask. It is mandatory for indoor gatherings, except when you are reading or presiding. Also, hand sanitisers are available at church entrances.

Under the 4sqm restriction, the maximum capacity at St Fiacre’s church is 100 people, and at St Francis’ chapel is 20 people. When we have reached the maximum limits inside the church, we will provide chairs outside for the overflow congregation. Our Parish permits two baptisms per celebration. Therefore, the number of guests allowed to join is max. 50 people per family. Please contact the Parish Office if you need more information.

At indoor gatherings, please maintain your physical distancing from others: one person per 4 square metres (exception of people from the same household). If the church is too crowded, then please use the choir loft/balcony or find a safe place outside. At outdoor gatherings, however, the limit is one person per 2 square metres.

Congregational singing is not permitted, but a socially distanced choir of up to 10 (ten) people is allowed. Please do not leave bulletin, tissue, or any rubbish in the church. Take all your belongings and clean your pew.

For funerals or weddings, please provide at least 2 ushers/wardens. Their task is to spray the pews with Glen 20 Disinfectant as soon as the ceremony is over. The church will provide the spray.

Month for the Holy Souls

November is a particular month for the Holy Souls. During this month, we remember and pray for those who have died and gone before us. As usual, our Parish will provide special envelopes and the Book of Remembrance for this purpose. Would you please take that special envelope at the church entrance and write the names of your deceased family? Please use CAPITAL letters to make them easy to read.

Along with your donation, put the envelope in a special box beside the Altar. We will print all names in the Book of Remembrance and place the book at the Altar throughout November. Given that many intentions are coming in, our Parish does not receive other prayer requests via the online system during November. However, if you have intentions other than for deceased people, please contact the Parish at fiacre@capuchinfriars.org.au. – Fr Pio.