RCIA begins this Sunday
The RCIA is a preparatory process, in which the Church prepares adults – men and women – who are interested in joining the Catholic Church. For more information, please check here: www.stfiacreparish.com/becoming-catholic. Nevertheless, RCIA is also open to Catholics who have been baptised but want to re-learn the teachings of the Church.
Our Parish will officially start the RCIA Program this Sunday, 22nd November, at the Parish Hall. This activity will take place every Sunday, starting from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (until March 2021). Every RCIA participant is required to attend Holy Mass at 9:30 AM, at St Fiacre’s church. At this point, we already have some candidates who are interested in joining this program. However, the Parish still opens the registration. Please do the registration via email: fiacre@capuchinfriars.org.au. This process of formation will be led by Fr Pionius and a team from the Parish.
Morning Tea for All Church Volunteers and Helpers
Our Parish would like to say thank you for all church volunteers and helpers: cleaners, florists, catechists, marshals, musicians, choirs, altar servers, readers, money counters, etc. Therefore, the Parish invites all people who have been helping this year to join our small gathering on:
- Date: Saturday, 19th December 2020.
- Time: 09:30 AM – 11:00 AM.
- Place: St Fiacre’s Parish Hall.
If you are one of them, please notify Fr Pio or the Parish Office at (02) 9518 0650. At the same day, if you have a chance, please join us for a Working Bee before Christmas. We will start from 8:00 AM until 09:30 AM, just one and a half-hour before the gathering. Please bring garden supplies and other tools for this activity. You are most welcome to join us too.
Next Sunday is Advent!
Just a gentle reminder that next Sunday we will enter the First Sunday of Advent. I want to invite you to increase your prayer, fasting, and charity for the glory of God and the salvation of others who need your help. May all the hard work we do in this world will be rewarded in the Kingdom of Heaven. Cheers! – Fr Pio.