Parish eNewsletters (New!)
Our Parish is currently intensifying its reach out program. In addition to the physical community, we are also building up a virtual community based on digital media and online connections. As you can see on the Parish website (, we now offer eNewsletters for those who want to subscribe to the latest information from the Parish – for FREE! By subscribing via email, you will never miss important information from us, wherever you are. Furthermore, if you wish, you can choose which ministry suits you best in serving the Lord and His Church. The Parish will facilitate you in this.
Vocations Awareness Week
Let join the Capuchin Friars for daily Mass as we live-stream from across the country during the National Vocations Awareness Week. Although closed to the public, the Masses at Leichhardt will be broadcast via Facebook live on Sunday 1st August at 5:00 PM. And on Monday 2nd August at 7:00 PM, Br Nicholas Singgih will make his First Profession. Click on this link to join the events: Selamat buat Nicholas!
Regular Live Streaming Masses
Amid the pandemic Covid-19, our human tendencies are greatly being challenged. People who are “lukewarm” will quickly give up or do nothing about their faith. However, those with a firm heart and who are open-minded will always see a bright future in the Lord and will not take a step back. They will do their best to maintain their good habits and daily routines, especially in preserving their spiritual life. They know the word of Proverbs 6:23, “For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life.” For these people in mind, we re-open the live streaming Masses in the Parish. If you want to join us every day, please click on this link: