Project Compassion: Week 2
Margret, 39, is a teacher at a vocational school for deaf students in the Solomon Islands. She was born deaf, so she knows the challenges it poses to education and employment. The school faced water shortages that often left staff and students without safe water for drinking, cooking, washing and growing vegetables. Then Tropical Cyclone Harold damaged the school and its vegetable garden as the threat of COVID-19 loomed. With Caritas Australia’s support, the school installed water tanks, provided cyclone-proof building materials, and helped to implement COVID-19 prevention measures. Margret’s school now has enough water for its students and the capacity to cater for more, and is now planning to boost food security through increased agricultural production.
Please donate to Project Compassion 2021 and help people living with disabilities in the Solomon Islands gain access to education and clean water, empowering them with skills to protect our common home. You can donate through Parish boxes and envelopes, which are available at the church foyer, or phoning 1800 024 413.
First Holy Communion
Our Parish opens the enrolment for First Holy Communion, which is intended for students in Year 3 or older. Please take the registration form at the foyer of the church or download it from the Parish website. Please return the completed form via email: We will have the Information Evening on Wednesday, 21st April at 6:30 PM at St Fiacre’s church.
Italian Mass for Carabinieri
On Monday 22nd February, we heard the sad news from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Italy’s ambassador to the country, Luca Attanasio, and a Carabinieri, Vittorio Lacovacci, were killed in an attack on their UN peacekeeping convoy traveling from Goma to Bukavu in the African country. To pay our tribute to them, the Italian Mass at 11:00 AM this Sunday will be dedicated to pray for them. You are most welcome to join us. – Fr Pio.