Sacrament of Confirmation, Diamond Jubilee, Special Thanks, New Overhead Projector, Our Last Live Streaming Mass, and Capacity in Our Churches

Sacrament of Confirmation

We are glad because very soon, on 15 & 16 November, as many as 70 children in our Parish will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Let us bring them and their parents in our prayers: may the power of the Holy Spirit illuminate their hearts so that they can be the witnesses of Christ in their family and society.

Diamond Jubilee

Please save the date: On Sunday, 21 November, all Masses in our Parish will be dedicated to celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Presence of the Capuchin Friars in Leichhardt. Please invite all your relatives and friends to come along and join us.

Special Thanks

A big thanks to Felice Montrone for his generosity in supporting the painting of the car park lines around the church grounds and along the small road beside the Capuchin Friary. Our car park now looks beautiful and fresh. Grazie mille, Felice! Besides, I would like to thank the Sovereign Order of the Ecumenical Knights of Malta for donating beautiful and strong outdoor garden benches. Now, we can sit back and relax outside the parish hall while chatting with our friends. On behalf of the Parish, thank you so much for your contributions!

New Overhead Projector

Our Parish has upgraded the overhead projector inside St Fiacre’s church. Therefore, I would like to thank all donors who have supported this multimedia project. With the new system, turning on the projector and screen is simplified, and the displayed image is brighter. With a TV screen, our musicians and choir members will be helped in singing during the Mass. And of course, they can also use their own laptop – if there is an HDMI port on it.

Our Last Live Streaming Mass

Because the full vaccination in NSW has almost reached 90%, this Sunday will be our last live streaming Mass. I want to say thank you to all our viewers who have followed our live streaming Mass every morning and weekend. My special thanks go to Kevin Anderson, who has faithfully accompanied me in the Holy Mass during the lockdown. Kevin, you are a champion – thank you!

Capacity in Our Churches

The NSW Government has announced that all business premises will move to a one-person per two square metre density limits, starting this Monday. Therefore, we will open our churches wider, but we still must heed the health protocols: 200 people at St Fiacre’s church and 40 people at St Francis’ chapel. However, please note that only fully vaccinated people can participate in funerals and weddings, and this area is the responsibility of funeral directors and families. – Fr Pio.